Do you lot know how to discharge a capacitor? If not, don't worry!

This is the ultimate guide to discharging capacitors. We will explicate the different methods that you tin use to belch a capacitor safely step-past-step.

How to discharge a capacitor

What is a capacitor and what does it do?

A capacitor is a device used to store electric energy. Information technology does this by creating an electric field between two plates. When voltage is applied, it charges the capacitor.

The capacitance of a capacitor is a measure out of the amount of charge information technology tin store, and is usually specified in farads.

Capacitors deed like the rechargeable batteries of AC circuits. They perform their role of storing electrical energy and transferring information technology to other parts of the circuit.


Why do capacitors need to exist discharged?

As nosotros said, capacitors store electricity and can requite you a nasty stupor if you impact them while they're still charged. That's why it'due south important to discharge them before touching them.

They can keep the current in themselves for up to a few minutes afterwards the current stops flowing through the circuit. That's why we always have to discharge them before working.

Why do capacitors need to be discharged

Which capacitors are considered condom?

At that place is no respond to this question. Any capacitor can hurt you more or less. But capacitors upwardly to 50 volts cannot cause current to flow through the torso and crusade expiry.

Capacitors that are smaller than 50V normally cause stinging, weak electrical shock, and slight tingling of the fingers. Nosotros consider them relatively condom.

Call up, only empty capacitors are 100% safe.

Safe steps earlier discharge a capacitor

  1. Disconnect the capacitor from the electric source

Earlier we can explain how to belch a capacitor, y'all must start cut off the power supply to it.

-A device located in the business firm merely unplugs from the wall outlet.

-If it is in the car, then you lot take to disconnect the cables from the machine battery that are connected to the + and – terminals.

-A device that is continued to its external bombardment or has its own ability source should be turned off and the electric line should be disabled.

electrical source
  1. Habiliment protective gear

There are a few reasons why information technology'south important to have protective gears when discharging capacitors.

I reason is that capacitors can store a lot of energy, and when they beginning discharging, they can eject sparks.

Another reason is that capacitors can brand electric shocks when their metal contacts come in contact with the skin.

Near people find it funny to have protective gears, but when they become injured by electrical shock or sparks they change their minds.

Protective gear, such as goggles and gloves, tin can assist protect you from these risks.

Protective gear
  1. Safe surround

Make certain in that location are no flammable materials or devices around yous when you empty the capacitor.

Discharging with a Screwdriver

  1. Plow off the power supply

When working with capacitors, it is important to ever turn off the power supply before discharging them. This will help preclude injuries and accidents. Capacitors can store a big amount of free energy.

Turn off the power supply
  1. Locate the capacitor on the electronic device

Generally, capacitors are located near the power supply, as they are responsible for storing energy and regulating current menses. If you lot have difficulty finding the capacitor, consult a schematic diagram or your device's owner'south manual.

Locate the capacitor
  1. Accept a capacitor and find the positive and negative terminals

Grab the condenser for the body without touching the feet (terminals) using gloves. The metallic contacts correspond the positive  and negative connectors for the electrical excursion.

capacitor positive and negative terminals
  1. Utilize an insulated screwdriver to connect terminals together

When discharging a capacitor, it's important to apply an insulated screwdriver to avoid contact with the live contacts.

Offset, identify the positive and negative terminals of the capacitor. And so, connect the positive and negative terminal using an insulated screwdriver. Concur the screwdriver in place for a few seconds until the capacitor discharges.

Capacitor discharge tin can cause a spark or a pocket-sized audio flash. This is normal and should not scare you.

Discharging capacitor with a screwdriver
  1.  Remove the screwdriver from the capacitor terminals

Yous can repeat the previous footstep to make sure it is empty. Then, just detach the screwdriver from the terminals.

Remove the screwdriver
  1. Connect multimeter to measure voltage

Utilize a multimeter to measure capacitor voltage. Connect the probes and metal contacts. The guild of connectedness (polarity) is not important.

If you get a value higher than zero, the capacitor is not completely discharged and the procedure should be repeated several times to ensure that the capacitor is fully discharged.

Connect multimeter to measure voltage

Discharging with a pen tool

To discharge a capacitor, y'all tin employ a pen tool to short out the two plates. This will create a spark that will speedily dissipate the accuse. Be sure to use caution when discharging capacitors, as they can store a meaning amount of energy.

This is the easiest and fastest way. The discharging tool contains a loftier-value resistor that allows the current to be discharged chop-chop.

Discharging tool

Discharging With Light Bulb

The third way is to apply a calorie-free bulb. If you lot don't have a discharge tool or a screwdriver at home, y'all can certainly utilise a lite bulb.

  1. Yous need to accept 1 light bulb that is connected to a seedling socket with wires.
  2. Connect one wire to the positive terminal and the other wire to the negative terminal. The seedling volition start to light up and when information technology goes out it ways that the capacitor is empty.

The advantage of the bulb over other tools is that it has a light arrow that shows when the capacitor is full empty.

Discharge the capacitor with the light bulb

Discharging with Resistor

  1. Brand sure the capacitor is unplugged and has no ability running to it.
  2. Connect the high-value resistor beyond the terminals of the capacitor.
  3. Touch the ends of the resistor to the metal contacts of the capacitor.
  4. Wait until the capacitor is discharged.
  5. Disconnect the resistor from the capacitor.
  6. Plugin the capacitor and plow it on.

The resistor prevents a large current surge from flowing through the capacitor, which could damage it. By slowly discharging the capacitor using a resistor, you can avoid any potential issues.

Discharge capacitor using resistor


In this video, we have explained methods of how to discharge a capacitor.


How practise you belch a capacitor using a multimeter?

The multimeter is not used to discharge the capacitor simply is used to check that the capacitor has discharged.

Will a capacitor discharge on its own?

Yes, information technology'due south possible. The capacitor is theoretically discharged gradually over fourth dimension. For a long time, a non-used capacitor should be empty. Depending on the size and chapters, the larger capacitor will take longer to discharge.

We can't know for certain if information technology'south empty until we check with a multimeter.

How unsafe is a capacitor?

A capacitor is a device used to shop an electric charge. While they are not typically unsafe, they tin be if they are mishandled or if they malfunction.

If a capacitor malfunctions, it can release a large amount of voltage very quickly, which can cause burns or fifty-fifty explosions. For this reason, information technology is important to e'er handle capacitors with intendance and to but utilise them as directed.

Is information technology safe to discharge a capacitor with a screwdriver?

If y'all follow these steps, you volition safely belch the capacitor.

Does discharging a capacitor damage or ruin information technology?

When you employ a suitable tool correctly, y'all will not impairment the capacitor.

What is the fastest way to discharge a capacitor?

There are a few unlike ways that you can do it. One fashion is to use a resistor, which will belch the capacitor more slowly. Another manner is to utilise a discharge pen tool, which will discharge the capacitor more quickly.

What tool is used to belch a capacitor?

There are various tools, only the best ones are insulated screwdrivers, discharge pen tools, light bulbs, and resistors.

Can a capacitor kill you?

No, the capacitor is non mortiferous, but it tin hurt you if you lot unsafely try to empty it.

Tips for avoiding accidents while working with capacitors

Capacitors can be dangerous if not handled properly. Hither are a few tips to help avoid accidents:

  1. E'er wearable gloves when handling capacitors. This will help protect your hands from any electrical shocks.
  2. Make certain the capacitor is discharged before working with it. You can exercise this by shorting the two metallic contacts of the capacitor together.
  3. Be conscientious when transporting capacitors. They can be very heavy and tin hands fall off of a table or bench.
  4. Never exceed the maximum voltage rating of a capacitor. Doing and so tin can outcome in an electrical explosion.


We hope yous have successfully learned how to belch a capacitor. And always remember to unplug the device before working on it!